马萨诸塞州历史学会(Massachusetts Historical Society)为纪念内战150周年,在网上展示了从馆藏中挑选出来的手稿, lectures by noted Civil War scholars, and exhibitions in our second floor gallery space.

Web Features

Civil War Manuscript Collections Online


Items from the monthly Civil War feature回顾内战:马萨诸塞州找到了自己的声音

这个月度专题展示了马萨诸塞州历史学会丰富的藏品中内战时期的材料.  请每个月访问并检查从协会收集的独特手稿和视觉材料中选择的内容,这些材料传达了马萨诸塞州人民如何在150年前的那个月经历战争. 

Massachusetts in the Civil War, 1861-1862

View a selection 在展览中展出的文件、照片、侧面和地图中, The Purchase by Blood: Massachusetts in the Civil War (see details below).


重要的内战事件的时间轴,偶尔链接到相关的网络内容. View the timeline.


Front of 1154 Boylston StreetUpcoming Events

  • Currently, no events are scheduled. Please check back for updates to this area.

Past Events

  • 21 October 2014, 12:00 P.M. Civil War Boston. More information...
  • 10 May 2014, 10:00 A.M. 创造平等:波士顿黑人遗产步道徒步之旅. 这次旅行由我们的合作伙伴组织波士顿非裔美国人国家历史遗址提供. More information...
  • 2 April 2014, 5:30 P.M. 创造平等:废奴主义者和自由乘车者. More information...
  • 29 March 2014, 1:00 P.M. Tell It with Pride. More information...
  • 12 March 2014, 5:30 P.M. 《生来平等:废奴主义者和奴隶制的另一个名字. More information...
  • 20 February 2014, 6:00 P.M., Tell It with Pride Preview Reception. More information...
  • 12 February 2014, 5:30 P.M., Created Equal: The Loving Story. More information...
  • 29 May 2013, 6:00 P.M. Sounds of the Civil WarMore information...
  • 16 May 2013, 6:00 P.M. 《温柔的心与勇敢:查尔斯·萨姆纳与亨利·沃兹沃思·朗费罗的政治与友谊. More information...
  •  28 April 2013, 2:00 P.M. Authors & Abolitionists: A Walking Tour of Concord, Mass. More information...
  • 4-6 Apri, 2013, Conference: 马萨诸塞州与内战:联邦与国家分裂. More information....
  • 11 February 2012, 6:00 P.M. Lincoln & Liberty, Too. More information...
  • 19 January 2013, 2:00 P.M. 美国第二次革命:新英格兰,旧英格兰, & the Civil War. More information...
  • 27 November 2012, 6:00 P.M. The Confederacy in History, Myth, & Memory. More information...
  • 19 November 2012, 6:00 P.M. Cotton & Race in the Making of Massachusetts & America. More information...
  • 17 November 2011, 6:00 P.M., 《联邦的女儿:北方妇女参加内战 . More information ...
  • 6 November 2011, 2:00 P.M., Civil War Walking Tour. More information ...
  • 25 October 2011, 12:00 P.M., The Trent Affair.More information ...
  • 12 October 2011, 6:00 P.M., 1861: The Civil War Awakening. More information ...
  • 17 September 2011, 2:00 P.M., The Trent Affair. More information ...
  • 13 August 2011, 2:00 P.M., Citizenship Through Civil War Service. More information ...
  • 12 April 2011, 12:00 P.M., 领导危机:内战前夕的马萨诸塞州. More information ...
  • 19 March 2011, from 10 AM to 3 PM, 马萨诸塞州历史学会(Massachusetts Historical Society)将以春季开放日(Open House)开始内战一百周年纪念活动. More information ...
  • 17 February 2011, 6 P.M.:  “让联邦政府站在自由的一边”:纪念查尔斯·萨姆纳. Special lecture by Beverly Wilson Palmer. More information ...


  • 骄傲地说:马萨诸塞第54团和奥古斯都·圣高登斯·肖纪念馆
    21 February to 23 May 2014
    Organized by the National Gallery of Art, Washington, Tell It with Pride 庆祝奥古斯都·圣高登斯的邵氏纪念堂(1883-1900). When Saint-Gaudens created the monument, 他以这位上校的照片为蓝本画出了肖伯纳的肖像, but for his depiction of the other soldiers, he hired African American men to pose in his studio. 这次展览试图将纪念馆中匿名代表的第54军士兵真实地呈现出来. 它汇集了该团成员和招募人员的老式照片肖像, nursed, taught, and guided them.
  • 在所有土地上宣告自由:波士顿废奴主义者,1831-1865
    22 February to 24 May 2013
    马萨诸塞州,废奴主义者威廉·劳埃德·加里森的故乡 The Liberator是美国反奴隶制运动的中心. This exhibition will feature manuscripts; broadsides and banners announcing antislavery meetings and fairs; artifacts—including the imposing stone for The Liberator; and portraits of key players to illustrate the role of Massachusetts in the national debate over slavery and demonstrate how the movement was communicated and followed.
  • 血买:内战中的马萨诸塞州,1861-1862 
    7 October 2011 to 13 January 2012
    1861年4月13日萨姆特堡投降后, 北方人团结起来支持林肯总统的号召,要求各州出兵保卫联邦. 这个展览跟随一小群军官的丈夫, brothers, 以及马萨诸塞第一家庭的朋友——在内战的头几年里. These young men, like so many, 想感受战斗的荣耀,带着冒险精神和毫无疑问的爱国主义参军. 没有预料到的是早期冲突的血腥后果——波尔崖之战, the Seven Days Battle, the Battle of Cedar Mountain, 安提耶坦战役,以及可怕的生命损失和乐观情绪. This exhibition showcases letters, photographs, broadsides, journals, 以及围绕一群人的艺术作品作为战争的代价被带回马萨诸塞州.


MHS Bookshelf of Selected Reprints: Civil War Series

平价平装版的四个经典标题在内战的历史, 由MHS在20世纪初出版,主要由该协会收藏的信件和日记选集组成.  More information ...

Classroom Tools

教育部为K-12教育工作者提供了各种与内战有关的资源, including primary-source-based lesson plans, workshops, and online resources. More information ...

Additional Links

  • Massachusetts 54th Regiment-网上展示的照片和一些利记APP官网手机版第一个黑人团在内战中战斗.  
  • Celebrating Lincoln--Web displays of manuscripts, artifacts, portraits, 以及来自MHS收藏的亚伯拉罕·林肯的雕塑.
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